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FPI vs FII: What is the Difference Between FPI and FII?

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Foreign investment stands as a pivotal pillar in augmenting the Indian economy by bridging the divide between domestic savings and our substantial investment requirements. India, being among the fastest-growing economies globally, naturally attracts considerable foreign capital. 

Now, imagine you’re this foreign investor who is eager to enter into the Indian stock market. You’ve got two main avenues to explore: FPI or FII. These terms may sound confusing, but they are actually quite simple to understand. In this blog, we will focus on FPI vs FII, which are two of the most common and popular ways of foreign investment in India. We’ll break down what they are, dig into the differences between FPI and FII, and discover why they’re such hot topics for the Indian stock market.

FPI vs FII: How Do They Differ

Think of FPI, or Foreign Portfolio Investment, as the “mix-it-up” approach for foreign investors in India. It’s like you’re at a financial buffet, throwing your money into a bit of everything – stocks, bonds, and all kinds of money-making goodies. FPI is basically a variety pack of investments.

On the other hand, FII, or Foreign Institutional Investment, is a bit different. Imagine the big shots – pension funds, insurance companies, mutual funds, etc. – going all-in on a specific dish they really fancy at the investment buffet, in this case, the Indian stock market. It’s like they’ve found their favourite and are putting their money where their appetite is.

So, just to sum it up:

  • FPI is like spreading your investment love across the whole menu, enjoying the diversity.
  • FII is more like picking a favourite dish and going all out on that one. They know what they want, and they’re diving deep into that part of the market.

The primary difference between FPI and FII lies in their regulatory structures. FPIs are subjected to a more relaxed registration procedure and regulatory supervision, resulting in fewer obstacles to entry and exit. On the other hand, despite being a subset of FPIs, FIIs experience a thorough registration process and face heightened regulatory scrutiny. This owes to their typically long-term investment perspective, which can exert a more substantial influence on the markets.

FPI Meaning- Foreign Portfolio Investment

FPI stands for foreign portfolio investment, which is an investment by non-residents in Indian securities, such as shares, bonds, debentures, and derivatives. 

Some features of FPI Investments

FPI is a passive form of investment, as foreign investors do not have any direct control or influence over the management or operations of the Indian companies they invest in. 

It is a short-term or medium-term investment, as foreign investors can buy and sell the securities quickly and easily, depending on the market conditions and their investment objectives.

FPI is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), which is the market regulator in India. SEBI has issued guidelines and norms for FPI registration, eligibility, investment limits, and reporting requirements. 

Pros of Foreign Portfolio Investments

Investors enjoy several advantages with Foreign Portfolio Investments (FPI). 

  • Firstly, it offers the opportunity for portfolio diversification on an international level, spreading investment risks across various assets and markets. 
  • Additionally, FPI provides access to international credit, offering creditors a broader base for potential growth. 
  • Another benefit stems from favourable exchange rates; when an investor holds FPI in a country with a stronger currency, the variance in exchange rates can be advantageous. 

Cons of Foreign Portfolio Investments

Despite the merits, Foreign Portfolio Investments come with their share of drawbacks. 

Unlike Foreign Direct Investments, investors in FPI lack control over the management or operations of the acquired firm or business entity. Moreover, FPI is characterised by higher volatility, making its asset prices susceptible to sudden fluctuations in response to adverse shocks. 

FII Meaning- Foreign Institutional Investor

FII stands for foreign institutional investor, which is a subset of FPI. 

FII refers to the investment made by foreign institutional investors in Indian securities. FII is a specific type of FPI that involves only institutional investors and not individual or small investors.

FII is also regulated by SEBI, which issues FII registration certificates and monitors their activities and transactions. SEBI has also prescribed FII investment limits for different types of securities, such as equity, debt, and hybrid. 

FPI vs FII: Exploring the Key Difference Between FPI and FII

FPI vs FII: How Do They Differ?
FPI vs FII: How Do They Differ?

FPI and FII differ in their nature, scope, and regulatory aspects. 

Here are some of the key differences between FPI and FII:

•  FPI is a broader category that includes FII, as well as other smaller and individual investors. FII is a specific type of FPI that involves only institutional investors.

•  FPI is a newer term that was introduced by SEBI in 2014 to simplify and rationalise the foreign investment regime in India. FII is an older term that was used before 2014 to refer to foreign institutional investment in India.

•  FPI is classified into three categories by SEBI, based on the risk profile and KYC compliance of the foreign investors. FII is a part of category II of FPI, which includes regulated entities.

•  FPI can invest in a wider range of securities than FII, such as government securities, corporate bonds, and infrastructure securities. FII can invest only in equity, debt, and hybrid securities.

Why are FPI and FII important for the Indian stock market?

FPI and FII are important for the Indian stock market, as they have a significant impact on market movements, trends, and sentiments. 

Here are some of the reasons why FPI and FII matter for the Indian stock market:

  • FPI and FII bring foreign capital into India, which helps to boost the economic growth, development, and stability of the country. 
  • They help to increase the country’s foreign exchange reserves, which enhances the external sector balance and the currency stability of the country.
  • FPI and FII increase the depth and breadth of the Indian stock market as they provide more liquidity, diversity, and competition to the market. 
  • These influence the stock prices, returns, and valuations of Indian companies, as they affect the demand and supply of the securities, the earnings and dividends of the companies, and the expectations and perceptions of the investors. 
  • They affect the market indices, such as Sensex and Nifty, which reflect the overall performance and direction of the market.


FPI and FII are two of the most common and popular ways of foreign investment in India, which have a significant impact on the Indian economy and market. FPI and FII bring in foreign capital, increase market liquidity and efficiency, and influence stock prices and returns. 

Therefore, it is important for investors to understand the differences and implications of FPI vs FII and to keep track of their trends and movements in the market.


What is the difference between FII and FDI?

FII, or foreign institutional investment, involves investing in financial assets like stocks and bonds in a foreign country. FDI, or foreign direct investment, is about gaining control of a foreign business, like creating a subsidiary or a joint venture.

Is FPI better than FDI?

FPI and FDI serve different goals. FPI is more flexible and diversified but also more volatile. FDI is stable, long-term, and influential, but it can be costlier, riskier, and more regulated.

What is the difference between PI and FDI?

Portfolio investment (PI) covers both domestic and foreign investments in financial assets. FDI is a specific foreign investment type involving substantial control in a foreign business. PI doesn’t aim to influence management, while FDI does.

Disclaimer: Investments in the securities market are subject to market risks; read all the related documents carefully before investing.